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Dumortierite Heart (2")

Dumortierite is the Stone of Patience, opening the doors of insight and activating the third eye chakra. It is a powerful healing gemstone that helps you to take the necessary steps to overcome hardships and find solutions to any problems you may be facing. Another of the dumortierite healing properties is its ability to bring order to chaos. When faced with a problem or a fork in the road, this crystal helps you to see both sides of the issue so that you can weight all your options before choosing the outcome. It also helps you to transform any belief systems you may have that no longer serve your soul purpose. The dumortierite properties and dumortierite meaning is believed to help you consciously reprogram your mind and cut all ties with outworn, negative thoughts that are holding you back from being who you truly are.

These special Dumortierite stones teach you that it is important for you to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. They encourage you to take control of your own life and your own spiritual journey. It inspires you to have a more positive attitude and outlook on your life, encouraging courage, trust in yourself and harmonious energies to help you overcome your fears.