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Rhodochrosite Pebble (1"-2")

According to legend, there is a deep cave underneath the Andes Mountains where a huge, heart-shaped rhodochrosite boulder is located. This boulder is thought to be the heart of Mother Earth. The locals believe the boulder, or Mother Earth’s heart, beats only once every two hundred years. They keep the boulder well protected.

Rhodochrosite meaning is all about love. Love of oneself, love of others, spiritual love, love of Mother Earth and universal love are all at the heart of rhodochrosite meaning. This deep pink to red gemstone resonates with the heart to promote love of oneself. It helps heal old wounds so that you can love yourself again and feel worthy of the love of others. This beautiful deep pink stone is perfect for finding new love, renewing old love and making a new loved one feel confident in his or her place in the relationship. It is the perfect gemstone to give to a new member of the family when they are brought in through adoption or the remarriage of their parents.